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Teacher Interest Form

indicates a required answer

Lightshine Homeschool Academy was created to provide homeschooling families the opportunity to extend their children’s learning experiences outside the home, meeting once a week at a monitored campus with faculty, leadership, and other families who love and serve the Lord.

If you are a teacher interested in applying for a position at Lightshine, please fill out the following form in its entirety. 

If you have any questions about the program or registration, please  contact us.

1. *

Teacher First Name

2. *

Teacher Last Name

3. *

Best Phone Number:

4. *

Best Email

5. *

Interested in teaching:

Full-time Substitute
6. *

Subjects interested in teaching:


Interested in teaching the following grades (select all that apply):

Kinder 1st
2nd 3rd
4th 5th
6th 7th
8th 9th
10th 11th

Potential Class Ideas:


Additional Information you would like us to know about you:

10. *

References- please list the names and contact email and phone numbers of three individuals outside your family, who will be able to provide reference for your character and teaching experience.

11. *

Please tell us how you heard about Lightshine.

12. *

Are you involved in any other academic program? If so, please list

13. *

Please include a brief statement about the church your family attends.

14. *

If accepted into the program, please indicate your willingness to affirm the Lightshine Statement of Faith in your conduct and communication with students.

Our program is a non-denominational Christian program, and our statements of faith are our primary doctrine for informing our faith, practice, and teaching. Where doctrinal differences exist, we extend grace and are happy to talk with anyone respectfully to reach an agreed outcome or compromise when possible. We ask parents of the program to review our Statement of Faith carefully and understand that it will impact their student’s education.
GOD. There is now, always has been and always will be only one living and true God. God is a Spirit, infinite in existence, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, unchanging, and sovereign. God is perfect, existing eternally in three Persons: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All three Persons of this Trinity deserving equal worship and obedience.
JESUS CHRIST. Jesus Christ is the second Person of the Godhead, having existed eternally with the Father. He is divine, came to earth born of the Virgin Mary, was incarnated as a Man, possessing all the nature of man and all the nature of God. He lived a sinless and perfect life, performed miracles, died an atoning death on the cross for the sins of all believers by shedding His blood, was raised bodily from the dead and ascended to the Father in heaven to sit at the right hand of God until His physical return to earth.
THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Godhead, having existed eternally with God. He is given by God to the world to convict and convince men of their sin. He is given by God to Christians to regenerate, sanctify, lead, and teach the believer in the truth of God's word.
BIBLE. The Bible is God's direct and final revelation to man. It is complete and infallible in the original languages, sufficient to obtain salvation, authoritative in matters of faith and conduct, complete, requiring no additional revelations claimed by men. It was written through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by means which God determined.
FAMILY. Family was created by God and His Word provides clear guidance on the structure of the family. God’s command is to be fruitful and multiply and children are a blessing from the Lord. Homosexuality or any other sexual relationship outside of marriage between man and woman is contrary to the Word of God.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. We believe that God’s Word is the supreme and final authority in faith and practice. Therefore, Lightshine upholds the biblical definition of marriage as the union between one man and one woman, and that sexual intimacy is to occur between a man and a woman bound in marriage. Lightshine also upholds the biblical definition of gender as one’s biological sex at birth, created either male or female in the image of God.

Yes No


If you would like to submit your resume, please email a copy to [email protected]


Thank you for taking the time to complete this Teacher Interest Form.  At Lightshine, our desire is to help children and youth experience activities and classes that provide an opportunity to develop their God-given gifts and abilities. In the process, we strive to build a strong community that builds up our children and our parents. This desire and goal is led by our instructors, leaders, and families who all hold strong Biblical values and strive to honor Jesus Christ in all they do and say while aiding in the discipleship and education of God's children.


We will be in touch as we review your application and have openings for your skills.